课程名称:英语词汇学 授课教师:魏向清 教学对象:语言学方向学生 教学时间:春季学期 课程类型:专业选修 总学时:36 学分:2
1) 介绍英语词汇发展和演变的简史、英语词汇学的专业基础知识、英语词汇研究与相关语言学研究之间的关系以及现代英语词汇学研究的最新发展动态。 2) 培养学生在英语词汇学习与理论研究方面的基本素养
1. General introduction(2 hours) 2. The evolution of English lexicon (2+2+2+2+2hours) 1) The origin of English language 2) The historical development of English vocabulary a) The old English period(450-1066) b) The middle English period(1066-1500) c) Early modern English period(1500-1800) d) The modern English period(1800-present) 3) Varieties of English words(world Englishes) 3. Fundamentals of English lexicology(2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2hours) 1) The word itself(2+2) 2) Word formation (2+2+2) 3) Meaning Relations (2+2) 4) Words in use(2+2) 4. New horizons of modern English lexicology(2hours) 1) traditional approach to English lexicology 2) current approaches to English lexicology 5. English lexicology and its related linguistic studies(2hours) 1) English lexicology and literary studies 2) English lexicology and second language acquisition 3) English lexicology and translation 4) English lexicology and lexicography 6. Revision for the exam(2 hours) 7. Final exam
出勤(10%)+课堂参与及作业(30%)+ 课堂汇报(20%) + 课程论文 (40%)
Albert, C. and Thomas, C. 2002. A History of the English Language. Bodmin: MPG Books Ltd. Bailey, R. W. and Gorlach, M. 1982. English as a World Language, Ann Arbor, MI: University Of Michigan Press Barber, C. 1993. The English Language: A Historical Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Bauer, Laurie, 1983. English Word-formation, Cambridge University Press Baugh, A. C. and Cable, T. 1993. A History of the English Language. London: Routledge. Carstairs-McCarthy, Andrew, 1992. Current Morphology, Routledge Cheshire, J.(ed.), 1991.English Around the World: Sociolinguistic Perspectives. Cambridge: CUP Concise History of the English Language(《英语简史》)(费尔南德.莫塞)——外语教学与研究出版社,1990, 2004,6.8RMB Cruse, D.A. 1986. Lexical Semantics, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press Freeborn, D. 1998. From Old English to Standard English. London: Macmillan Publishers Ltd Plag, I. 2003. Word-Formation In English, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press. Katamba, Francis, 1993.Morphology, Macmillan Trudgill, P. International English , FLTRP
(俄)伊斯特林,《文字的产生和发展》,北京大学出版社, 2002 颜治强, 《世界英语概论》(World Englishes (北京外研社), 2001
Syllabus for the course of English Lexicology, an Introduction
Course Name: English Lexicology, an Introduction Instructor:Wei Xiangqing Students:MA majors in linguistics and translation studies Scheduled Time:Spring semester Category:Selective Teaching Hours:36 Credits:2
Course Objectives:
1) Introduce the students a general history of English lexicon, the basic patterns, regularities, principles and rules of English word formation. Familiarize the students with related theories and concepts. 2)Improve the students’ ability to expand their English vocabulary and conduct research both in and related to English lexicology.
Teaching Forms and Requirements:
Lecture, student presentation, discussion
Teaching Schedule:
1.General introduction(2 hours) 2.The evolution of English lexicon(2+2+2+2+2hours) 1) The origin of English language 2) The historical development of English vocabulary a) The old English period(450-1066) b) The middle English period(1066-1500) c) Early modern English period(1500-1800) d) The modern English period(1800-present) 3) Varieties of English words(world Englishes) 3.Fundamentals of English lexicology(2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2hours) 1)The word itself(2+2) 2) Word formation (2+2+2) 3) Meaning Relations (2+2) 4) Words in use(2+2) 4. New horizons of modern English lexicology(2hours) 1) traditional approach to English lexicology 2)current approaches to English lexicology 5.English lexicology and its related linguistic studies(2hours) 1) English lexicology and literary studies 2) English lexicology and second language acquisition 3) English lexicology and translation 4) English lexicology and lexicography 6.Revision for the exam(2 hours) 7. Final exam
Forms of assessment:
Attendance (presence and punctuality) (10%) Participation + Assignments (30%) Presentation (20%) Course paper (printed form in Chinese/English with a minimum of 3000 words, in the right academic format) (40%)
Coursebook :
Reference books on English Lexicology:
Albert, C. and Thomas, C. 2002. A History of the English Language. Bodmin: MPG Books LtdBailey, R. W. and Gorlach, M. 1982. English as a World Language, Ann Arbor, MI: University Of Michigan Press Barber, C. 1993. The English Language: A Historical Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Bauer, Laurie, 1983. English Word-formation, Cambridge University Press Baugh, A. C. and Cable, T. 1993. A History of the English Language. London: Routledge. Carstairs-McCarthy, Andrew, 1992. Current Morphology, Routledge Cheshire, J.(ed.), 1991.English Around the World: Sociolinguistic Perspectives. Cambridge: CUP Concise History of the English Language(《英语简史》)(费尔南德.莫塞)——外语教学与研究出版社,1990, 2004,6.8RMB Cruse, D.A. 1986. Lexical Semantics, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press Freeborn, D. 1998. From Old English to Standard English. London: Macmillan Publishers Ltd. Plag, I. 2003. Word-Formation In English, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press. Katamba, Francis, 1993. Morphology, Macmillan Trudgill, P. International English , FLTRP |